The Forsyth County Black Flag Project is a news page based out of Forsyth County Georgia. The goal of the FoCoBFP is to inform people both in Forsyth County as well as the wider state of Georgia and the United States of what the government is doing both at a federal level and the local levels.


We are getting set up now so please bear with us. We feel it’s better to launch the Project while we build. There is a lot to be done. If you are interested in helping, please let us know.

Federal Laws

Rich McCormick – Anti DOE

Dr. Rich McCormick has stated multiple times that he actively supports the removal of the Department of Education. What this means is unknown at this time. Tune in when we have more information regarding this topic.

State Bills

GA HB 1239 – Kei Cars

Pickup trucks have been a staple and icon of the American Dream, often being depicted in commercials as rugged versatile machines that show a man’s independence and manliness. However, these vehicles are no longer what we once knew them to be.

Federal Laws

John Ossoff –

Foreign people hate this law, find out why.

Federal Bills

Do you know how bills work?

Laws don’t just appear overnight, they actually start as an idea. There’s a long process to which a bill must go through in order to become a law. Despite these checkpoints to help ensure that corrupt bills don’t become law, many such bills slip through undetected by members of government who don’t care to even read over them! Find out what you can do to help prevent bad bills from becoming law.